Like all other babies and children, Daryl is highly vulnerable to physical discomfort. The only way out for them is to cry. That's why it is oh so common to see a baby crying due to hunger, tiredness and wetness in his diaper. However, the very first time you see your baby cry like that is a worrying moment indeed.
The other day, his godmother visited us and brought along a lot of toys. Everything was fine and perfect until around 9:30 p.m., Daryl suddenly woke up and started crying madly. We had never seen him cry like that before. He was crying so desperately that not even our hugs or a bottle of freshly brewed milk could comfort him. We were so worried that we thought of taking him to the hospital.

Then my wife decided to go through the extensive collection of our "library" to find out what's wrong with him. One of the books said that babies would cry madly if their tummy is in discomfort. If that's the case, we should massage his tummy in a clock-wise direction. We decided to follow the instructions and luckily, Daryl soon felt a lot better and was quickly asleep, as crying itself is an exhausting exercise for babies.
Lucky for us that we have the books pinpointing his problems and telling us what we should do.
And lucky for us that none of us is illiterate so that we can read. It is a huge blessing indeed.
Hello Irene & Max,
Finally have time to read your blog....
wow wow wow.....Daryl really looks like Max though (My sister said the same thing too)!!
Really nice to have this blog. I can always get the most updated news for you guys and this sweet sweet home. - um ... let me add it too my favorite.....
Max, you are really a good writer! I feel so nice from your sharing of being a first-time dad. If possible, ask Irene to share her feeling here - I think she must be as excited as you!
Take care!
Thanks Joyce.
Being a dad (whether it's first time or nor) is one of the most wonderful things one can ever experience. Hopefully I can be a good one.
And hopefully the blog can land me a very very profitable part-time job ...
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