Friday, August 04, 2006

Bon Appetit!

I have no idea whether Guinness keeps any record on this, as Daryl achieved quite an amazing feat this Wednesday (August 2).

In a span of a little more than three hours in the afternoon, he took some 13 ounces of milk powder in total without spilling any.

And he promptly fell asleep soon afterwards.

13 ounces. That would be around 390 millilitres, a little more than a can of Coke. I know a lot of people can't finish a can of Coke no matter how much time they have. How on earth can his little stomach take in so many liquid in such a short period of time? Goodness only knows.

Actually he has been eating a lot more than the suggested serving. The can of Wyeth S26 milk powder suggests a baby of his weight take four ounces of milk powder per meal and some six meals per day. That means he should have taken around 24 ounces of milk powder per day. Yet he often takes eight to ten meals per day, and sometimes he would take up to five ounces per meal. We don't need to be a rocket scientist to tell that he has eaten too much.

Neither do I nor my wife has tall genes, and Daryl's drinking binge worries us in the sense that the growth of his body may concentrate mainly in his belly and hips. We don't want him to gain weight at the expense of his height.

Could anyone please tell me where to find a basketball team for month-old babies?


Anonymous said...

Daryl...the youngest person go to in a diet~~

stop feeding him that much! ^^

Maximillian said...

Paul, do me a favour: Find a basketball team for him please.

Daryl & Dana

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