Sunday, March 11, 2007

Movie Star

Some day, Sylvester Stallone will just have to retire ...


Anonymous said...

哎呀! My Godson is ALWAYS my super STARS!!!!!!!

Maximillian said...

Filmstar, propping up the bar, driving in a car, it looks so easy,
Filmstar, propping up the bar, driving in a car tonight.

Filmstar, giving it class, living it fast, it looks so easy,
Filmstar, giving it class, living it fast tonight.

What to believe in, it's impossible to say?
What to believe in when they change your name,
wash your brain, play the game again, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Filmstar, an elegant sir, a terylene shirt, it looks so easy,
Filmstar, an elegant sir in a terylene shirt tonight.

Filmstar, propping up the bar, driving in a car, it looks so easy,
Filmstar, propping up the bar, driving in a car tonight.

What to believe in, it's impossible to say?
What to believe in when they change your name,
wash your brain, play the game again,
Yeah, yeah, yeah...

Daryl & Dana

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