In fact, I am a selective reader. I don't read a lot of things, as I often find books and texts boring. But you can still find a lot of books and magazines in my bookshelf, the reason being most of the them are related to sports.
I have always been a sports fanatic, but my interest is strictly limited to being a spectator instead of a participant. When I was a small kid, I would tape a lot of sports programmes on TV (Italian Serie A and the NFL in particular) and watch it again and again whenever I had time, and so I could and can still remember nearly every word of the commentary. For example, my man Martin Tyler reminded us, after an excellent 2-1 home win over Bologna early in the 1990-91 season, to "watch out for Sampdoria", which would go on to win its first and so far only Serie A title that season. I still have a couple of seasons' (from the early to mid-90s') worth of Serie A and NFL tapes in my cabinet, ready for me to pop into the VHS player when and if I have time.
You may say that watching the same tapes again and again has made me more laconic, which is probably true. But the flip side is, the excellent commentary of Tyler and Peter Brackley, among others, has greatly enhanced my English proficiency.
Anyway, when I finally have some (NOTE: not "a lot of") money, I decided to buy sports books, lots of them. My collection mainly consists of books on Formula One, but the number of baseball books is also increasing at a rapid rate. When Michael Lewis' "Moneyball" created a lot of controversy a couple of years ago, I immediately bought one from my trusted old friend, Amazon. And being an avid follower of Rob Neyer, I just can't miss any of his work. But despite being a huge fan of soccer and American football, I don't have too many books on them in my collection.
As for magazines, there is only one that I have been reading regularly for nearly 15 years: Sports Illustrated. It has the two things that I am looking for: Excellent coverage of sporting events (mostly in North America) and fantastic columns by renowned columnists like Rick Reilly and Steve Rushin. To say that I am trying to imitate Reilly's style in this blog, but to no avail (possibly forever), would be an understatement.
Daryl is now nine-month old, and we hope that he would pick up reading as a habit, as experts always say that it would be good for his development in terms of speaking and writing. At the moment he can only play with his toy books, and still can't turn the pages properly. I know we still have time, but being his parents, we are always worried about a lot of things.
But first we have to find a bigger flat, and buying a Mark Six ticket may help realise our dream.
you are such a lucky guy that u have found your love at an early age. ME? still searching.
Hey, you've found your love in Wallace and Ryan, haven't you?
arenc45omg... VHS tape from the 90s? haven't it been molded yet? :P
baby einstein is one of the most popular and well known infant material in USA. you might want to get Daryl a set ;)
oh. one more well known book is of cuz... The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss :-)
You'll be able to find a ton of customer-made list, giving parents advice and suggestion on Amazon.
I love the Amazon's Listmania feature!
I happened to have watched the film "The Cat in the Hat" (the one featuring Mike Myers) recently, and found it extremely hilarious. As for Baby Einstein, we do have the Baby Mozart CDs in Hong Kong, which was a great hit a couple of years ago. And I don't mind if you buy one for Daryl as a gift!
hahaha... maybe the next visit Uncle Kelvin will bring Daryl a set of Baby Einstein :P
Baby Einstein is more of a movie/show I guess. Maybe it's like Sesame Street!
Yeah, I think it was the year I came back to host my wedding banquet, Baby Mozart CDs was like everywhere.
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