Thursday, November 13, 2008

Close Call

God is looking after us, as there is no other explanation as to how Daryl managed to escape serious injuries over the weekend.

We were at a park close to home, and one of the favourite games for the bigger kids was the "Tarzan" game, where kids would grab hold of the handle and swing from one side to another. But there is no guardrail along the way.

Mommy and I were both busy retrieving Daryl's ball, which had been kicked far away by a naughty kid. Meanwhile, Daryl had wandered straight into the path of Tarzan.

When he crossed it the first time, nothing happened as the kid had yet started his journey. But when Daryl walked across it the second time, a kid was approaching rapidly and was swinging his legs really hard.

Imagine a high-bar gymnast swinging his legs as hard as he can just before the final somersaults and landing.

When I saw Daryl crossing the Tarzan for the second time, the kid was already midway through and had no idea Daryl was right in front of him. And when I saw his swinging legs, there was nothing we could do as my arms were not long enough to snatch Daryl away.


I could literally see a breeze around Daryl's head as his hair was moved by the wind swirled up by the kid's swinging legs. Turned out that his legs barely missed Daryl's head by mere inches. And Daryl, oblivious to how grave a danger he was in, kept running towards me, smiling and completely unscathed.

In the days after the incident, I kept wondering what might have happened had Daryl been hit. Judging by the speed of the swinging legs, I would definitely have passed out if I was the one who got hit.

Now think about Daryl, who is still a baby.

It was a really close call. I keep thanking God for looking after Daryl especially while we were not being careful enough.

Thank you, God.

And I am lost for words.


Anonymous said...

God's always around us. It's a matter of whether we are opening our eyes or our ears or out heart to feel of His existence :-)

Just from the way you wrote the circumstance of this incident... it was scary enough to give me a cold sweat. I'm glad to hear Daryl didn't even get a scratch from it. ~phew~

Maybe it's a calling, a time, to re-awaken you guys. It's like... ET-phone-home :-p... God's knocking on your doorstep.

Anonymous said...

happy that nothing happened! but growing up getting knock on the head numerous time, and everywhere in the body you can imagine, i wouldn't worry too much about are tough...much tougher than adult =). Nothing McDonald's can't fix! =P

Daryl & Dana

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