Thursday, January 04, 2007

He Walks the Walk But Doesn't Talk the Talk (Yet)

I know I have talked about it before, but I just can't resist talking about it again.

Yes, I'm going to talk about Daryl's attempt to walk.

As mentioned in a previous entry, we started teaching Daryl how to walk a couple of months ago. At first he was like a budding tree, who was so weak and fragile that any tiny force (or even breeze) could make him fall and even topple over.

But when he was four to five months old, we noticed that his bones and muscles have grown stronger. And just like Eason Chan, he has very strong and stocky legs. So we started to teach him how to walk.

We would pick him up by his armpits and let him walk along our couch. At the beginning he had no idea what we were doing, perhaps thinking that we wanted to pick him up but didn't have enough strength. But then we patiently taught him how to lift his legs and, magically, he could lift his legs one by one by himself!

It is such a wonderful feeling to see him walk. We can see that his eyes were focusing on his knees and legs, and every step he would lift his knee high, as if walking along a knee-deep quagmire. His steps are huge, as if he wants to cover the width of the couch in as few strides as possible so that he can take a rest, as he is often seen panting after such walk.

And I can tell you that we have just got the letter from the Guinness officials congratulating him for setting a world-record time in walking along our couch. Sweet.

As for talking, he still hasn't mastered the muscles and vocal chords yet. But judging from the huge strides (no pun intended) he made when learning to walk, I suspect that he will be a chatter-box once he learns how to talk.

And that is not necessarily a bad thing, especially when his Daddy has long been criticized for being dumb and laconic by his friends.


Anonymous said...

havnt check in on Daryl for a while and happy to see his growing progress!! how are you little Daryl?! He is so adorable!! i wanna hold him in my arms!

Kelvin said...

Hey Daryl, Uncle Kelvin haven't dropped by for a while. It's nice to see you take your big step on the coach :-p

Guess I'll be seeing you for the very first time very soon!

Daryl & Dana

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