But we were told recently that we can't live there anymore, and were asked to move away as soon as possible.
Two years ago when we moved in, there were only two members in the family. Now there are four. That means we have to find somewhere bigger, somewhere which can give Daryl as much room to play and move around as possible.
Two years ago when we moved in, the rent (What? You thought we sneaked into someone else's place to live?) was at an all-time low, particularly the flat we are now renting. And when we started to find a new place to rent, we were simply startled by the unreasonable price that some of the owners are asking for.
A case in point: A derelict flat (albeit in a major blue-chip housing estate) with no decoration but extremely dirty and smelly kitchen and toilet can cost somewhere near $15K. I won't live there even if I am PAID $15K per month.
We thought of buying a flat on our own, yet the price is even more unreasonable. A brand-new standalone building at Shau Kei Wan cost you $6,000 per square feet, but the bedroom can be smaller than your bed. Go figure.

Hopefully we have made the right choice for him.